The Game Studio | Candy Maniacs

Keyboard Mouse Controller Bindings


Control Keyboard Mouse Controller Comments
Forwards up arrow | w Joystick Y Axis up
Backwards down arrow | s Joystick Y Axis down
Strafe Left left arrow | a Joystick X Axis left
Strafe Right right arrow | d Joystick X Axis right
Look Left mouse left Joystick 4th Axis left
Look Right mouse right Joystick 4th Axis right
Look Up mouse up Joystick 5th Axis up
Look Down mouse down Joystick 5th Axis down
Run left shift | right shift Joystick 8th Axis down
Jump space Joystick 5th button
Zoom left cmd | right cmd
Use Weapon left ctrl | right ctrl mouse 0 Joystick 3rd Axis left
Use Skill left alt | right alt mouse 1 Joystick 3rd Axis right
Use Block x mouse 2 Joystick 9th button
Reload r reserved for future use
Use Health h
Use Mana m
Joystick Mode Joystick 6th button
Use Shortcut 1 1 Joystick 0th button only when not in Joystick mode
Use Shortcut 2 2 Joystick 1st button only when not in Joystick mode
Use Shortcut 3 3 Joystick 2nd button only when not in Joystick mode
Use Shortcut 4 4 Joystick 3rd button only when not in Joystick mode
Use Shortcut 4 5 Joystick 4th button only when not in Joystick mode
Interact e for interacting with NPCs
Pickup g reserved for future use
Use u reserved for future use
Drop backspace | z reserved for future use
Info i reserved for future use
Upgrade page up reserved for future use
Repair page down reserved for future use
Build = reserved for future use
Sell - reserved for future use
Patrol p reserved for future use
Target t reserved for future use
Follow f reserved for future use
Call Out c multiplayer only, reserved for future use
Taunt l multiplayer only, reserved for future use
Change View v reserved for future use
Zoom In , reserved for future use
Zoom Out . reserved for future use
Toggle Stats f1 Joystick 0th button key may not work in Web Player, only when in Joystick mode
Toggle Skills f2 Joystick 1st button key may not work in Web Player, only when in Joystick mode
Toggle Items f3 Joystick 3rd button key may not work in Web Player, only when in Joystick mode
Toggle Quests f4 Joystick 2nd button key may not work in Web Player, only when in Joystick mode
Start f5 reserved for future use
Toggle Hud f6 key may not work in Web Player, reserved for future use
Toggle Map f7 key may not work in Web Player, reserved for future use
Chat enter | return multiplayer only, reserved for future use
Team Chat ' multiplayer only, reserved for future use
Menu tab | escape Joystick 7th button key may not work in Web Player
Console `

Level Builder

Control Keyboard Mouse Controller Comments
X Axis left arrow | right arrow Mouse X Axis
Y Axis page down | page up Mouse Y Axis
Z Axis down arrow | up arrow Mouse Scroll Wheel
Roll , | . only used while in Rotation mode
Pitch down arrow | up arrow only used while in Rotation mode
Yaw left arrow | right arrow only used while in Rotation mode
Scaling - | = only used while in Scale mode
Rate left shift | right shift left shift = .1x, right shift = 10x
Focus f
Reset home
Add a
Duplicate d
Delete delete
Translate t
Rotate r
Scale s only when Selected mode is enabled
Unselect u
Camera c switch to Camera mode
Selected e switch to Selected mode
Rotation Mode left alt | right alt
Selected Mode left ctrl / left ctrl
Mouse Look m
Select Object mouse 0
Rotate Camera mouse 1
Pan Camera mouse 2
Toggle Panels escape
Toggle Info i reserved for future use
Toggle Labels l
Toggle Asset Browser f1 may not work in Web Player, click Assets button instead
Toggle Preview f2 may not work in Web Player, click Preview button instead
Toggle Level Browser f3 may not work in Web Player, click Level button instead
Toggle Inspector f4 may not work in Web Player, click Inspector button instead